Sunday, May 4, 2008

Companies these days line up to tell us how green they are

Because it's a good image to project and of course there is money to be made or in 99% of the cases it wouldn't happen. But how many companies are putting their money where their mouths are and allowing HUGE energy saving by letting workers telecommute? Obviously it wouldn't work at Kai Garden and say Blimpy Burger or Tuptim but it's our guess it could be used a lot more if companies were TRULY trying to be green.

Ypsi/Arbor, what about you, would or could your job allow telecommuting? Do they already? You don't have to mention them if you don't want to but tell us if telecommuting is in your company's green plans.


cmadler said...

My job SHOULD allow it, and if offered, I would in a heartbeat!

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

There you go, we'd hope so many more places of business WOULD allow it or even encourage it. Imagine not just the cutback in fuel emissions, imagine the traffic easing up everywhere in the mornings and afternoons.

glimmertwinfan said...

I often telecommunte. Unfortunately, it is usually around evenings and weekends. I still to the traditional "in the office" bit Mon-Fri. However, it is very nice when there are unexpected issues like kids being sick, jury duty, etc.

However, if I pushed the issue, I probably could telecommute at least 20% of the time, when tasks/projects are assigned and don't require face-to-faces.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Even more reason to support free wireless in the cities and as far out as we can carry it. A new age is upon us and the early adopters as companies not only use emerging technologies and ideas but SEEK them out, will win, and this is an obvious one. Smart pursuit of the bleeding edge is almost always rewarded. Companies and directors will know soon enough if the work is getting done AS effectively as it is in the office on those TPS reports.

I remember as a young shaver seeing a TeeVee ad for a company called Control Data Institute. The idea of the ad was to have young men tell you how they had quit their other less satisfying jobs for a new exciting job as a computer programmer. Now, these computers were as big as pole barns and it looked like a recording studio of tape rolls mind you. One young fellow looked smartly into the camera and said "I used to be a mailman, now I do THIS!". I was momentarily intrigued until my mom yelled from across the room with mom scorn in her voice "What an idiot, why would you ever give up a good government job?".

The guy in the commercial, the early adopter? He's a trillionaire.

Too bad, I would have bought her a huge house with a drawbridge and a moat and everything.

Anonymous said...

I work at a child care center - I'd like to try it. ;)

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Just watch them on the camera and let the robots do the rest!