Thursday, April 3, 2008

YCD didn't THINK we needed to go into coffee eitquette around town but apparently we do

OK, coffee FAUX PAUX of the highest order. One DOES NOT stand in front of the coffee fixins bar at the local coffee house adding a dash of milk, then stirring, then tasting, then adding another dollip of milk, stir that then taste, and repeating this ad nauseum. You sure as hell don't repeat this with sugar/sweetener. You may say "This is my time to fix my coffee and I can do what I want to". Sure, just like the rest of us reserve the right, no OBLIGATION, to tell you what an anchor you're being. We also reserve the right to pour half and half on your head if you take more than a minute.


glimmertwinfan said...

Note to self: If Johnny in line in a coffee shop, get out of the way. He obviously requires it much more than you do. Johnny's writings seem to have a "Monday" tone to them and it's Wednesday.

Got the coffee bean monkey on your back? Addiction a bitch, 'eh, Johnny?

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

I just hate people who take TOO long, like THEY are the only ones with something to do. Sip stir add, sip stir add, sip stir add, it's sometimes seemigly endless. When I have people behind me I make it quick. Pour, stir go. It's like people who go into McDonalds and STARE at the menu like they're mesmerized by it all. They got the same shit they had last year, ORDER!