Sunday, July 13, 2008

Late night open thread

On this day in 1954, Dean Stone was the winning pitcher for the American League in the All Star Game but he never threw a pitch and didn't retire a batter. How then does one become the winning pitcher in such a circumstance? Stone picked off Red Schoendienst who tried to steal home for the third out. The AL then scored three runs in the bottom of the eighth to take the lead and make a winner out of Dean Stone, July 13, 1954.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark


Anonymous said...

Trixie played on a softball team that once completed a triple play. Batter hit the ball hard and hit the foot of our 3rd basewoman, ball bounced in the air and was caught by our shortstop who then completed the double play. Damndest thing I've ever seen.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Baseball lends itself to these strange rulings and plays. There are so many more instances of crazy stats in baseball than anywhere else