Monday, February 18, 2008

EMU student, trained in martial arts, has a surprise for would be robbers

An EMU student, was walking near Pray-Harrold just before 2am Sunday when he was approached by two low lives, one with a knife who demanded money. The student, using their martial arts training kicked the knife out of the robbers hands and then proceeded to punch and kick him. The other loser couldn't run away fast enough.

YCD will let YOU fill in for Nelson Muntz, what say you Ypsilanti?


Anonymous said...

The only thing that could beat this is 'Whacking Day.'

Anonymous said...

It's a glorious tale, to protect your money Wu-Tang style... and I'm sure this kid now has the chicks lined up.
But, part of me thinks it's a little too glorious. If you know what I mean.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

It's probably not what police would advise, and would it play out this way every time? Probably not (and you only need to screw up one time out of 100 to make it so not worthwhile) but in this one case, it makes us laugh at the robbers 'moment of clarity' when the knife was kicked out of his hand and the young man assumed a karate type position.

Anonymous, would you be quoting the age old tome of 'the victor writes history'? A touch of effervescence perhaps in the telling?