Thursday, September 13, 2007

Willow Run School Board needs to get it's ducks in a row

Gee, WR School Board, you seem SURPRISED at what's happening in your district. You seem shocked at the animosity brought about by you IMPOSING a contract upon teachers. What did you THINK would happen? America is about freedom and negotitions, it happens in Congress and in business every day. So, by imposing your "Last Best Contract" you set off a chain of events you SHOULD have seen coming yet lacked the foresight to plan for.

If the contract was still being negotiated and was still on the table I'd disagree with teachers dropping out of their extracurricular activites. You cut their pay on this like a king or monarch would do by 20%. Beyond the fact you may have breached the very contract you just IMPOSED, it's bad form. Since this was imposed by the School Board the YCD is all in favor of teachers making decisions on their own about this, apparently is one of the few decisions left they CAN make freely.

School board President Claudette Braxton is claiming ignorance on the contract provisions. You see she's new to the bargaining team. Sorry, XXXXXXXX Wrong answer. If you're going for the high and mighty act you cannot claim ignorance of what you're imposing or negotiating.

YCD also agrees that you cannot pick and choose which pieces in the contract you imposed you want to pull out. Sorry WR School Board, it's all or nothing, it's how contracts work.

If you sign a contract for cell phone service with AT&T and they raise your rates on their whim, you can cancel the contract on it's face WITHOUT paying a dime in penalties. You don't tell AT&T you want to keep this part of the plan you liked and that part you liked while getting rid of this n that. NO, it's either WHOLE or it's VOID.

Come on Willow Run School Board, get with it. Sure times are tough but you can make better choices in how you deal with PEOPLE, people who teach OUR kids.

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