Friday, September 7, 2007

Let's talk trash

OK, belt tightening and suck it up time are here. The Ypsi City Council is cutting back certain yard services and trash pickups. No more free curbside wood chipping (teach the kids to whittle). Leaf pickup will be once a year so on street parking will come with a city leased leaf-blower-instant-parking-space-maker. Don't blast leaves on kids who are whittling.

Yes it bites and chews but it'll save $429,000 clams over the course of the seven year deal signed with Romulus based Waste Management. Ypsi City Desk says they did what they had to do with this vote HOWEVER the first wood chipper I hear wake me up at 7:30 in my neighborhood and Johnny's coming out with a camera and the YCD Action News Team.

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