Friday, September 7, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Many many Oregon fans spotted in Ann Arbor

See what happens Wolverines? You lose one historically epic forever to be discussed BAD AWFUL STINKY SMELLY game in 100 years and you see what shows up? Ducks. Lots of Ducks. Smarmy looking Ducks. Arrogant Ducks.

Eating YOUR FOOD on Main Street. Drinking YOUR wine on State Street. Buying YOUR beer at party stores for THEIR tailgating party on the morrow.

You can see them walking all proudly in their 'there's not even a Crayola crayon in the 64 pack that's that ugly a green' jackets and knit caps.

Well, what are you gonna do about it Michigan fans? You get right out there and get your beer before they drink it. Go make them stand in line for food so long they wind up eating Hippie hash (the right people will get that).

And most importantly, tomorrow is duck hunting season (and cliche season evidently) and these ducks are in your house. Do you know what to do when you you a duck stuck in your house?

Neither does Johnny, but go get 'em team or your coach better live in a castle with a moat because if you lose to Oregon, it's pretty certain the villagers will break out the torches and pitchforks.

1 comment:

glimmertwinfan said...

And enjoying their trip home I suppose.

At least Ann Arbor businesses enjoyed their brief visit.