Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Late night open thread

Tonight a picture from outside the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. Now, it's a big big image but you the YCD reader will want that for the sheer scope. Click the image and then click it again and it should get REAAAAAL big. We love the Blue Mosque as you get more minarets for your mosque dollar.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

You can't swing a dead cat without hitting celebrities in Washtenaw County anymore

Unless it's like, say a Manx cat with a very very stumpy tail, then you might miss. MORE Hollywood types were in town on street corners registering voters in Ann Arbor yesterday. Johnny is told that Adam Brody and Rachael Leigh Cook are stars of hipster teen dramas known as 'The O.C.' and the movie 'She's All That'. Johnny would have had no idear who they were if he hadn't read it online.

Oddly, the Ann Arbor News said few recognized them. No.

But back to the new Hollywood corridor around here. From Ypsilanti's Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon sightings, to Michael Cera and the movie crews in Ann Arbor, we're gonna need a cool name for this hot mess.

Ypsiwood? (we'd happily put up an YPSIWOOD sign up on Mt. Ypsilanti)

Broadway Arbor?


Give us your idears in comments.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Late night open thread

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
-- Groucho Marx

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

So, the churches in England have solved all the other problems facing their flocks

Because somewhere along the line they actually felt the need to come up with a Ten Commandments of blogging. Yes, really, they did. Everything else was solved and they've moved onto this.

The Blogging Ten Commandments, according to the Evangelical Alliance:

You shall not put your blog before your integrity.
You shall not make an idol of your blog.
You shall not misuse your screen name by using your anonymity to sin.
Remember the Sabbath day by taking one day off a week from your blog.
Honour your fellow-bloggers above yourselves and do not give undue significance to their mistakes.
You shall not murder someone else’s honour, reputation or feelings.
You shall not use the web to commit or permit adultery in your mind.
You shall not steal another person’s content.
You shall not give false testimony against your fellow-blogger.
You shall not covet your neighbour's blog ranking. Be content with your own content.

Well already we broke #8 by publishing this. We also don't need a blog to commit adultery in our minds. Also, Johnny has a big blow up 'YCD Blog' doll he idolizes, oops.

Let's talk practical jokes

Johnny read an online story on Paul Newman's life and he was quite the practical joker. Newman once had a crushed Prosche wrapped in ribbons 'installed' in Robert Redford's home hallway.

Tell us oh loyal YCD readers, have you ever pulled, or been a party to a great practical joke?

Well done! Ann Arbor wins 'Clean City' award

According to the Ann Arbor News, the city won for it's Green Fleets Program, implemented in 2004.

"The city's fleet has been reduced in size and increased use of biofuels, compressed natural gas and electric vehicles."

Well done A2.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Late night open thread

The Browns finally won today. We knew you were all worried about when that would happen.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Sunday open thread for NFL, fall fun, the football games yesterday, or whatever

Feel free to speak your mind today. Anything you want.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Late night open thread

Oh what a giant of a man we lost yesterday. Classy, humble, amazingly talented and a humanitarian for the ages, we are all lessened by Paul Newman's passing. Beyond the brilliant acting, beyond his 50 year marriage to Joanne Wodward and beyond the 200 million dollars his Newman's Own products have raised for charity since their launch, a real piece of the American fabric was lost. Newman transcended celebrity, Johnny has yet to see a cross word written about the man or his life today.

He was, quite simply, Johnny's favorite actor ever. A few good minutes with Paul Newman tonight...

Language warning as Newman as player coach Reg Dunlop fires up the Charlestown Chiefs before a game against the Saginaw Gears and really reaches the Hanson Brothers.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark


We never try to get too down on college athletes. Without sounding condescending, we realize that 99 out of 100 EMU football players aren't going pro and are giving their all at the highest level they'll play at. We'd actually hold someone like Daniel Holtzclaw, Eastern's outstanding linebacker to a higher standard, we're using him as an example, this is NOT His fault, we're not making THAT point.

We also told you we'd always tell the truth and the fact is, this is not a program on the rise, it's not growing even in small increments. It's stuck back near the bottom of the heap. Northern Illinois is an OK team but no great shakes. They shouldn't be 37-0 better than Eastern at Eastern on Eastern's Homecoming. Toledo shouldn't have been 41-17 better. Eastern Michigan is simply not competing at the same level as mediocre (and no insult intended to Toledo or NIU fans, you kicked the crap out of Eastern) MAC teams. Head Coach Jeff Genyk has had time, Eastern's Athletic Department has been patient with him, even sticking by him after a 1-11 season in 2006. They're simply not on the same level as these other teams. Throw out the stats, toss out the turnovers, that's not the story, that's burying the lead. The Buffalo Bulls were as bad as EMU when they came into the MAC, and they are now the top dog in the MAC Eastern Conference (they lead CMU right now in the third quarter but by barely). Ball State was in the same boat as Eastern a couple three years ago as well. Now they compete for the conference crown. It obviously can be done.

If simply being able to have success against Central and Western Michigan is the goal, program fulfilled. If it's been almost 20 years since your last conference title and that drought shows no end in sight, it's time for the good Doctors, EMU President Dr. Susan Martin and Athletic Director Dr. Derrick Gragg to either offer an extension to Genyk to show support and show players yes he IS the man here or prepare to get a search team together NOW, on the QT. Martin and Gragg are both impressive people, that being said, they have a decision to make.

Eastern Michigan Football GAMEDAY Homecoming 2008 Edition

That's right EMU fans, today is Homecoming and judging from the rowdiness displayed in Johnny's neighborhood last night, you're pumped! Eastern's opponent is Northern Illinois who comes into the game at 1-2 and like EMU is 0-1 in conference play. Oddly, both have their lone victory over hapless Indiana State's Suckamores. Let's take a look at the game shall we?

Eastern's offense proved it could and will move the ball despite Andy Schmitt being unable to play with Kyle McMahon having an off the charts good 132.14 QB rating. We all know Terrence Blevins can pound the rock and if he goes for 100 yards today we think EMU can dominate. Yes, Northern Illinois has a fairly decent defense but they will go against Eastern's strength which is offense.

Eastern's defense has been a tremendous disappointment thus far. After the opening night shutout of ISU, they have allowed 42, 41 and 51 points in consecutive weeks, that's just not going to win many games. Coach Jeff Genyk will have to do something to sort this mess out. May we suggest the George Costanza OPPOSITE defense--whatever you were doing that wasn't working, do the exact opposite. Weren't blitzing much? Blitz every play. Sitting back in a zone defense on third down? Send everyone.

Something on defense has to change and fast.

Perfect weather is expected over Rynearson Stadium this afternoon with temperature in the low 70's and we can smell charcoal being lit around town right now. This game will hopefully live up to what everyone wants a Homecoming game to be.

Northern Illinois plays QB by committee, runs the ball by committee and today they LOSE by committee. Our call?

Eastern Michigan 28
Northern Illinois 20

Dear Ford Fusion owner license plate BEK-4530

REALLY classy when you threw your burning cigarette butt out your car window onto Michigan Avenue this morning between Washington and Huron going east. Wonderful, just what we Ypsilanti folk hope you'll do every time you drive through town.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Late night open thread

No excuses, everybody's heading to Rynearson Stadium tomorrow for the Eastern Michigan Homecoming game vs Northern Illinois. EMU is gonna win this one, we'll tell you by how much tomorrow.

72º, mostly sunny, cool fall breeze, great food and EMU football, come on Ypsilanti, you owe it to yourself to catch this one. The game is at high noon, BE THERE, aloha

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark


WOW, the hair, the sex appeal, the, well, the hair. 1984 again for this MTV staple. Did you know the band Bon Jovi won a Grammy in a country music category? It's a fact. In 2007 they won Best Country Collaboration for "Who Says You Can't Go Home" with Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland.

Here's New Jersey rock legends Bon Jovi with 'Runaway'


Yes, this is a Buddy Holly song but you can almost hear the Bo Diddley pouring out of Keef's guitar. From in the before times of 1964, when the world was still in black and white, here are the Rolling Stones (and some hot stepping from Mick) with 'Not Fade Away'


Homecoming weekend so we'll put up a few videos of yore for the alumi.

Here's one from 1984, heck maybe this is THE video of the 1980's. That ain't working, that's the way you do it...You get the money on the MTV

Dire Straits with 'Money for Nothing'

Friday Pigskin Parade

Ypsilanti Willow Run (2-2) is home to Dearborn Heights Robichaud (3-1)

Ypsilanti Lincoln (1-3) is home to Ann Arbor Huron (1-3)

Ann Arbor Pioneer (3-1) is home to Temperance Bedford (2-2)

Dexter (1-3) is at Chelsea (3-1)

Saline (2-2) is home to Tecumseh (1-3)

Ypsilanti (2-2) is on the road to Melvindale (2-2)

And Ortonville Brandon (2-2) is at Oxford (3-1) tonight

Jamie Lee Curtis is at Borders tonight for a book signing

Get to Borders downtown by 9 am to get a wristband and a chance to meet the author-actress and overall cool person Jamie Lee Curtis. She'll be signing her book "Big Words for Little People." Ms. Curtis if you didn't know is a highly accomplished children's book author.

Ms. Curtis came to Michigan a day early to give the glad hand to to show support for Barack Obama's office workers in Ypsilanti, Ann Arbor and Canton.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Late night open thread

If your birthday is today, you share it with hummina hummina beauty Catherine Zeta-Jones who is 39 today. Yes, it's a cheap excuse to show a picture of her, you got Johnny figured out...

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Washtenaw County Sheriff deputy tasers Ypsi Township father

We're going to let more come out on this as we simply weren't there but apparently a father in Ford Heritage Park in Ypsilanti Township was tased over a lost child. Stories vary but the endgame was the father finding one of his children who became separated from the family and an officer demanding he put down his own child until she (the officer) could confirm the child was his. The father reportedly got angry, may have had physical contact with what Commander Dave Egeler says is an undersized female officer, and was tased while possibly holding the child. The father was arrested and charged with resisting and obstructing.

We'll keep an eye on this one to be sure.....More on this story from WXYZ in Detroit.

Hat tip to YCD reader KK on the tip....

AATA bus hops curb, slides down embankment, 3 hurt

Yes, an AATA bus slid down an embankment after witnesses say the driver had some kind of medical 'situation'. 3 riders were injured including the driver.

Johnny will go to the wall defending the AATA drivers for safety. He's been a rider for 4 years and has never had any kind of unsafe incident or ever felt unsafe even in winter weather. Accidents do happen.

The AATA might be awful as responding to questions set to them by this blog and they are horrible about following up with phone calls but the drivers remain some of the best around.

How come EMU no longer has the Homecoming parade through Ypsilanti?

Ypsi is THE town in southeast Michigan to hold a parade. We have the BEST parades that nobody can touch and yet Eastern Michigan doesn't hold a Homecoming parade anymore. They used to back when. We right enjoyed it. Why no longer? We think it'd go a long way to connecting Ypsi and EMU who both need each other especially now.

Johnny is suspending publication of YCD so he can go to Washington DC and work on the economic mess

Nah, wait, stupid idea. We'll stay here.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Late night open thread

Got those EMU homecoming tickets yet? They're gonna win Saturday, oh yes they are...

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Damn, where did Johnny get to??

Well loyal readers as you well know, Johnny went to see his musical idol Neko Case last night in Cleveland at the venerable Beachland Ballroom with special guest Colonel Will. The show was phenomenal. Utterly fantastic. Johnny and Colonel Will were RIGHT UP NEXT TO THE STAGE. We could get no closer. Johnny could reach out and touch Neko's guitars he was so close. As he was snapping god awful camera phone pics at one point, Neko began hiking up her britches and asked Johnny if he REALLY wanted THAT particular shot. Johnny's a bad photographer to begin with so luckily for Neko that one never turned out. So after the show Johnny and the Colonel are driving west on the 90 when Johnny's car's left front axle decided to take a puke and they were forced to stay overnight in the land of Cleve until the car could be fixed, hence no late night thread or anything this morning. 700$ car repairs take the starch out of wanting to blog.

On a side note animal lovers, especially greyhound lovers, please consider making a donation to whomever you can in the animal world. Neko told the crowd last night her greyhound who tours with her had to have surgery yesterday in Cleveland and poor guy had to have his leg amputated due to it being cancerous. She said she was a wreck all day. He'll be OK but for the love of pets and cool people like Neko Case everywhere, maybe adopt a greyhound or make a donation to the Huron Valley Humane Society.

The one shot worth a damn from front and center

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

BREAKING--Shelter in place request from Washtenaw County Emergency Services

Holmes Rd and Jerome St. area in is experiencing a gas leak. Ypsilanti Township firefighters are requesting people within a one block area GO INSIDE, turn on ventilation systems, and move to the highest level of your home or business.

Johnny's never pulled an armed robbery, but he's pretty sure he wouldn't be this stupid

Let's try something new--suppose you are a guy who wants to rob McDonalds. You have a gun which makes you dangerous as well as a jackass. To rob Mickey D's do you:

A) Walk into the restaurant and announce a stick up
B) Wait until the manager is leaving with the daily receipts at the end of the day and take them
C) Walk up to the drive through and announce the robbery.

If you chose 'C', you're the guy police are looking for today. Wile E. Coyote walked up to the McDonald's drive thru on Ecorse Road just before 1:30 am last night. Of course when he announced the robbery the employee at the window simply shut it and ran to the back of the store. Bzzzzt, robbery foiled in 5 seconds. The suspect, described as black, about 18 years old, 6 foot 2 and roughly 200 pounds, bolted to an area police think he got into a getaway car.

Look, the guy CAN be dangerous if he ever wises up and he DOES have a gun so let's get get him off the streets. Call police at 734-483-9510 with information.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Late night open thread

Johnny's a big fan of the old Carol Burnett show. He's also a real big fan of the way the cast used to try to crack each other up on camera. Tim Conway cracking Harvey Korman up is WELL documented. But the others were great at it too. Here is an outtake that never made it to air obviously, you'll soon see why. Here is Vicki Lawrence as Momma dropping an outrageous nickname for uh, that time of the month on Carol Burnett as hapless loser Eunice. What she said is in comments in case you can't make it out.

WICKED funny. Poor Carol Burnett trying to take this one in stride when it's apparent she never saw it coming...

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

The speed limit on Golfside between Ellsworth and Huron River Drive just went WAY up

The Pittsfield Ministy of Ticket money will be greatly saddened by the fact the speed limit on Golfside between Ellsworth and Washtenaw Avenue went up from 25 mph to 40 mph and from Washtenaw to Huron River Drive from 35 to 45.

Long have the Pittsfield Township po-po doled out ticket after ticket after ticket along this stretch of road. Chances are they'll be angry over this (have you EVER seen or met a police department who want to give back ANYTHING to the people?) so make sure you're not going so much as 1 mph over for now.

Halleujah, the speed traps on Golfside are no more. Thank you Washtenaw County Road Commission.

A few good minutes with Laurel & Hardy

From the 1938 classic Block Heads....

A bird with a cowboy hat on a placard told Johnny it's EMU Homecoming week!

If the bird in the hat says it's Homecoming, it's Homecoming this upcoming Saturday on the campus of Eastern Michigan University. Saturday's game is against Northern Illinois (Well scheduled AD) at noon.

For all the excitement and schedule of all the week's events, check HERE

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Late night open thread

When you tell someone "I'll get it done in a 'jiffy'" that's actually a measure of time, 1/100th of a second to be precise.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you'll get what you need...

And what Ann Arbor needs right now is another Whole Foods store opening in the Cranbrook Village (the old Mervyn's) strip mall on Eisenhower. This will be yet another upscale organic market which Ann Arbor seemingly lacks. There are now TWO Whole Foods within four miles of each other, along with Plum Market, Trader Joe's and Belle Vino. Ann Arbor shoppers now have a dearth of specialty food stores where the food MUST be somehow better as it costs twice as much. Well done Ann Arbor, you have shown there is little need for a Kroger or Meijer like you'd find in Ypsi, no, you have gotten another unique food store, just like all the other unique food stores.

Also, Whole Foods employees, we don't want you to lose your jobs so a reminder; shoplifters are to be allowed to loot and go, store policy.

Police have made an arrest in the NeNe African Hair Braiding Salon armed robbery

As you'll recall people seeing a man waving a gun outside the NeNe African Hair Braiding Salon on Wednesday night called police who tried tracking the suspect but lost him. Well, the suspect has been arrested for armed robbery as well as taking 300$ in store merchandise. He and a partner are also accused of an armed carjacking later that evening. Nice. Idiot suspect #2 remains at large.

The suspect's name is Michael Allen Miles and he's 19 and from Detroit. He enjoys armed robbery, fine wine, and picnics. He'd like to meet a gal who would be open to going on a romantic crime spree. Address your personal ads to Mr. Miles c/o the Washtenaw County Jail.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Late night open thread

What a glorious fall Saturday here in the upper midwest. Simply delightful day. Can't beat a midwest fall.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Eastern Michigan football GAMEDAY!

Eastern is in College Park Maryland today to take on Maryland's Terrapins. Kickoff is at 1 pm. Maryland comes into the game at 2-1 while EMU is 1-2.

The turtles (A Terrapin is a kind of turtle, we hear they make good soup) have posted victories over Delaware's Blue Hens and last week over a ranked Cal team. They have, however, lost to Middle Tennessee State. All their games have been close affairs. We hope today is no different. Eastern is going to have to do something to slow the Maryland ground game led by Da'Rel Scott. Chris Turner at QB is your standard middle of the pack ACC QB whom Eastern will have to pressure and pressure often. He throws as many interceptions as touchdowns. We think to WIN the game Eastern will need a defensive and or special teams score today.

Eastern and Maryland have played a few games off and on over the years, even a game at Rynearson many moons ago. EMU should be coming closer to Maryland we feel and we sure hope today is the day. The Ypsilanti 11 can't make weather excuses or worry about a wet field today. They need to rebound from last week's atrocious home ass kicking to Toledo. Team leaders like Daniel Holtzclaw, Andy Schmitt and Terrance Blevins need to show the young EMU team they belong on the same field and have a purpose in going to College Park other than picking up a check. Eastern is #17 in Division 1-A in rushing while Maryland is #38 and they haven't been playing the toughest teams. EMU should be able to get something done on the ground today. Also, EMU is # 82 in passing per game in 1-A while Maryland is #94. Eastern DOES enjoy a couple advantages today.

For years and years we've hoped against hope Eastern Michigan could spring an upset outside the MAC. Is today that day? As much as we'd like to say so or think so, last week's bomb of a game vs Toledo shows just how far this team needs to go. Can they beat Maryland in an upset? Yes. Should we expect it? No.

Our best guess:
Maryland 31
Eastern Michigan 14

Prove us wrong Eastern Michigan football, stick that score in our ear by the end of today, we dare you.

Late night open thread

Did you know then--the average take in a bank robbery is $2,500

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Friday, September 19, 2008


Your speakers aren't turned up nearly enough at their current setting to handle this song. They'll need a click and or turn to the right.

Hey, it's back to school time so here's Van Halen with 'Hot For Teacher'.

Sit Down WALDO!


Guess where Johnny's going on Tuesday night? Yeeeeaaaaaah buddy. Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland. He's dragging Colonel Will with him. Colonel Will likes Neko plenty and it'll be fun to hear those Ypsitucky Colonels stories about the 07 tour and the Greyhound bus he stole. Colonel Will has a little bit of the Keith Moon in him thrillseekers. That's why we're always telling you to go see the shows.

Back to Neko. If you'd like to hear a full show of hers, you can click on this link to NPR and on the left side of the page there is another link to either download or listen to the show. It's real good stuff.

Neko Case with 'Maybe Sparrow'


Johnny knows next to nuthin about this band other than he always thought this was a pretty darned good song. Its from way back in 1994 ya know. That's almost like when dinosaurs walked the earth n stuff.

Here's Live with 'Selling the Drama'

Oh yeah, and today is 'Talk Like a Pirate Day'

Not talk pilates day, it's Talk Like a Pirate Day...

Johnny's away taking the YCD crew on a 'team building exercise'

We're taking the interns along with their hangers-on to a corn maze for a team building exercise since those always really help a company. We're giving them a 15 minute head start into a corn maze and releasing the hounds into it. We'll see how well they work maps together while running...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Late night open thread

Poker on ESPN? That's not high stakes poker. THIS is high stakes poker....

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Armed robbery at the NeNe African Hair Braiding Salon on N. Huron

A2 News is reporting that the NeNe African Hair Braiding Salon was robbed last night at gunpoint. Passersby reported men waving guns in the parking lot around 11pm and called the police. Police arrived to find a clerk had been held at gunpoint while his pockets were emptied by the dregs of humanity.

Tracking dogs followed the scent to a nearby lot (Maybe the EMU lot up behind?) and lost it. If you saw something about that time or remember somebody driving erratically around then, call police.

The markets are tanking, foreclosures left and right, global warming, inflation, crime....Screw all that, the Stanley Cup Champs start back today

Ah, yes, September brings Red Wings training camp and that means today the Wings begin up in Traverse City. Glory hallelujah, it's almost hockey season. Did we mention they are the Stanley Cup Champion Wings? Sorry Cindy Crosby, this cup is ours, go get another one....

Here's a clever little Photoshop job Johnny did you can feel free to steal. Click it and pick it...

Water Street Project update and it's not good

As with anything on a balance sheet these days, the Water Street property has taken a nosedive value wise vs what the city has and it paying on it.

According to the Ann Arbor News, the property is worth between 7-11 million US cash dollars. The city on the other hand has spent around 23 million US cash dollars on the property. The value and the property itself will be on the Ypsilanti City Council's agenda tonight. Rumors say some are interested in it. That would be delightful but we're not holding our breath. Besides, nobody is going to pay 23 million for it so Farmer's Folly will for quite a while be a blight on city finances.

Show up, be heard: tonight's meeting is at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 1 S. Huron St.

Cupcake Station opens downtown in Ann Arbor tomorrow

Do you love cupcakes? Wanna get a free cupcake? The Cupcake Station will open tomorrow (located right next to Champion House on Liberty) and will be giving away cupcakes to the first 500 lucky customers.

Mmmmm cupcakes, is there anything they can't do....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Late night open thread

Which state has the song "Home On The Range" as their state song? Answer HERE

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

We want names and we want them NOW

This is not going to stand. If you have the names of the asshats who spray painted racial insults and slurs on an Obama billboard in Pittsfield Township near where Textile dead ends into US-23, your help is needed.

Obviously these wastes of human skin didn't realize the kind of heat they'd be bringing as the FBI and Secret Service are investigating. Police are also using tracking dogs at the scene. Michigan State Police were able to get tire tracks.

Give us their names, we'll turn them in. If Johnny will stand up to a mob in Cleveland Browns Stadium over utter crap like this you better believe he'll take action now.

Names. We want them. If you know them, do it anonymously.

More at the Ann Arbor News

U of M coeds who appeared in Playboy's 'Girls of the Big Ten' issue will be signing autographs on Thursday

Yes, you read that right. 3 University of Michigan students, Renee Alison, Bobbie Korina and Caitlin Shannon, who appeared in the October Playboy issue featuring 'The Girls of the Big Ten' will be signing autographs this Thursday at the Campus Corner, 818 S. State, from 4 to 6 pm and then will hang at Rick's Ann Arbor from 10 pm to 1 am.

Student body indeed. Now before we go too crazy here, all our worst fears about U-M MAY have been addressed with the fact Playboy has only 3 U-M ladies gracing the pages and SEVEN from MSU. There's an old joke in there somewhere....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Late night open thread

Have you given any thought to breakfast tomorrow? It's the most important meal of the day. Nothing beats a big plate of good morning America, by way of England...

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Ann Arbor to build a new Bionic Public Ly-barry

A Library barely alive, they will rebuild it, make it better, faster, stronger.

The Ann Arbor District Library Board voted to tear down the existing library and rebuild the new library on the same spot. We don't care what it costs, a library is a necessity unless you live in Wasilla Alaska. During the bionic library procedure the books will be safely and dryly stored in the empty seats in Crisler Arena at U-M basketball games.

Ruh ro.....

GM turns 100 today, and Ford does a very nice thing....

If you haven't seen the image, our friends at Ford Motor Company wished our friends at General Motors a happy 100th birthday today in a pretty cool way.

It's nice to see competitors who can show respect to their business adversaries in this day and age. Well played Ford.

(We've seen this image on about 10 automotive sites today so we're merely sharing it)

Horrific crash on I-94 last night kills two, highway still backed up west of Ann Arbor

Michigan State Police are still rerouting drivers on I-94 west of Ann Arbor this morning after a semi truck traveling west crossed over the median and hit a semi going east about halfway between Ann Arbor and Jackson. One of the trucks exploded into flames and it then involved yet another semi truck. The drivers of the two semis in the original crash were pronounced dead at the scene.

State police said the highway could be closed for hours for cleanup and investigation.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Late night open thread

"Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing." --Dave Barry

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

R.I.P. Richard Wright of Pink Floyd

YCD doesn't normally concern itself with the passing of folks, especially those who don't live around here but Johnny is a big Pink Floyd fan and wanted to not let this pass without mentioning Wright wrote one of Johnny's favorite Floyd songs, "The Great Gig in the Sky" off of Dark Side of the Moon. It was sung by Clare Torry. Here is the backstory on that famous track.

Oscar winner and Michigander Michael Moore will be in town Thursday

Academy Award winner and documentarian Michael Moore will be at the Michigan Theater on Thursday as part of the University of Michigan School of Art and Design Distinguished Visitor Series. Doors for the FREE event open at 4:30 with Mr. Moore expected to speak around 5pm.

No word on exactly what he'll be speaking about but chances are, it could be political in nature. Just a guess...

Calling all old-timers, anybody ever remember a wetter two day period?

Biblical rain, tornadoes, high winds, just a wild weather weekend.

Anybody remember a wetter couple days?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Late night open thread

Johnny drove three hours through Hurricane Ike remnants today. Saw an ark at a rest stop.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Friday, September 12, 2008

Eastern Michigan GAMEDAY

A crossroads at game 3. First conference game, coming off a thumping, and looking to go 2-0 at Rynearson this year. The Toledo Rockets kickoff with Eastern at noon tomorrow with a LOT on the line for EMU. These are the kinds of games you have to win to get better with proof. We can watch and say yes, things look better. We can think that way, but at some point along the way, a program on the rebound wins games like this. Eastern must pour their heart and soul into this game. Extra effort for every inch on the field. Every down every inch. Somehow they have to come up with the effort of a lifetime. 2-1 or 1-2 going into Maryland next week. Your choice.

Toledo got thumped by Arizona last week. They'll be looking for redemption and MAY look at Eastern as their best chance for an early win on their schedule. Next week they are playing #21 Fresno State. There may be a LOT of pressure on the Rockets for this reason. Lose to Eastern and they figure their season is over before it started. It would behoove EMU to get off to a quick two score lead and prey on these Ohio-based fears.

Not gonna do an offensive or defensive breakdown, this will be won or lost by the heart and soul of the Eastern football team. Team effort, team enthusiasm, team smarts, team play.

Eastern Michigan 32
Toledo 30

Michigan football GAMEDAY

In a pouring rain, at Notre Dame, Michigan will try to answer many many questions. Can the offense move the ball in a consistent manner? Can the defense put in another strong performance? Can they feed Charlie Weis' words to him? Can they win three in a row in this series?

Answers, the defense will play another strong game and face facts, the Notre Dame offense is putrid. Add to this fact the game is expected to be played in a downpour which should limit what little offensive creativity the Irish possess. Special teams in bad weather are always critical. Early in the season even moreso. Thats coaching so we'll see where Michigan is at. We'd like to see Michigan throw deep once a couple more times a game. Back those corners off to open the short game and for wide runs.

Michigan's offense will have just enough to score two touchdowns, the defense will add a third and Michigan will come home 21-10 winners.

Late night open thread

We've only got one final score tonight, Saline clocked Chelsea 34-14 in Saline tonight. Back at ya in a few with the college football gameday threads, then you're on your own til Sunday night.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark


Anybody else think Elvis Costello was singing about Chelsea, our Chelsea, when he sang 'I Don't Want to Go to Chelsea'? It's possible. Chelsea Michigan is internationally famous. Tourists have come from England come just to see Polly's. Scenic M-52 runs right through it and off into the hinterlands. Brits love hinterlands. They call them moors. England has werewolves, Chelsea has bears.

Elvis Costello with 'I Don't Want to Go to Chelsea'.


Yes yes, live and local guys and former auto workers, The Romantics. That's awesome, to simply decide enough is enough and we're gonna give this a try. No more foremen, plant supervisors and weasels who steal your lunch. They got the name Romantics because they formed on St. Valentine's Day in 1977. Wally Palmar, Mike Skill, Rich Cole, Jimmy Marinos, local guys who made some good fun racket.

The Romantics with 'What I Like About You'.


The sound and the fury of Mike Ness, and that of Social Distortion. But tonight we have Mr. Ness in an acoustic mode from the old MTV show 120 Minutes with 'Don't Think Twice'. Johnny remembers one fine evening long ago having Ms. Trixielovesypsi on his arm at a Mike Ness show in Pontiac. Rawk.

Friday Pigskin Parade

Ypsilanti Willow Run (1-1) is at Ecorse (0-2)

Ypsilanti Lincoln (1-1) is home to Ann Arbor Pioneer (1-1)

Dexter (1-1) is at Ann Arbor Huron (0-2)

Chelsea (2-0) is at Saline (0-2)

Ypsilanti (0-2) is on the road to Garden City (1-1)

And Ortonville Brandon (2-0) home to Flint Kearsley (0-2) tonight

We also apologize for listing Ypsilanti's home game last week as a road game...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Late night open thread

Helpful tips night. We're all about safety.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

We knew it, Drew Barrymore couldn't get enough of us, she's back if only for a one night stand

Drew's flick that has been filmed locally in Cool City, 'Whip It' will be shooting some follow up shots Friday night on Michigan Avenue. The set will be closed to the public which means you'll have to stand way back off of Michigan and Adams with a sobbing and disheveled Tom Green.

Streets close at 6 pm.

James Taylor will appear at Borders on October 2, 7pm

James Taylor will be bringing his heavy metal head thrashing sound to the downtown Borders on October 2. He'll be there at 7pm and no entry info has yet been announced.

Taylor is expected to perform songs from his recent 'Covers' CD.

It's not a chemical spill, it's freon from a fridge

Hazmat teams were working furiously over what was thought to be a chemical spill that in fact turned out to be freon from a refrigerator/freezer coming from the Huron and Main Street area behind National City Bank. The fridge was being disassembled and the freon started filling the air. Passersby reported a cool feeling and a need for ice cubes.

YCD on the lighter side today asks, If you could recast the Wizard of Oz using today's actors...

Who would you choose for Dorothy, the Tin Man, The Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow and the Wicked Witch and The Wizard?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Late night open thread

A few good minutes with Rodney Dangerfield before tuck-in tonight.

You know my doctor, Doctor Vinny BoomBots

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Tis the season....Who has the best cider around town?

Who is your choice for best best cider. Johhny ADORES cider, and he's wondering if you do too, which is your favorite?

Boy have we got a 'Citizen of the Week' candidate

A 20 year old EMU student is walking near Emmet and Washtenaw, he is sucker punched by a coward while his loser associates hold the victim down while the puncher rifles through his pockets. When the idiots leave, the victim wisely calls 911. While police are assisting the victim, EMU police are contacted that a student is FOLLOWING THE SUSPECT on campus and reporting his position via cell phone.

FANTASTIC stuff. The attacker was arrested and sits in jail this morning, where he belongs, because a wise and brave student followed the criminal and made the call. We'd like to nominate this person as YCD's Citizen of the Week and understand why they need to remain anonymous.

Good stuff indeed. See what YOU can do to stop crime? Everyone has a cell phone these days. Take a cell phone picture or call police when you see this kind of thing going on.

It's YOUR campus

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Late night open thread

Make sure you go outside before bed and take a gander at the majesty that is the moon racing Jupiter through the southern sky. Yep, the bright one is Jupiter.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

It has come to our attention not every YCD reader has adopted a cat yet

Per yesterday we asked NICELY if you could help the Humane Society of Huron Valley by adopting one of their wonderful soft and fluffy kitty cats. Well Johnny sees ALL, and SOME of you haven't yet gone to pick up your new pet yet.

Yes high atop Mt. Ypsilanti, Johnny keeps watch over Washtenaw County. Now, go get your kittens...

BEEP...Please leave a message for CHARLIE WEIS at the tone

You remember the Notre Dame head football coach Charlie 'Front Butt'® Weis don't you? You know, the guy who keeps losing at home to MSU, has now found a way to lose to Navy, and now thinks he's a BIG TALKER about Michigan. Let's refresh your memory of something old 'Front Butt'® said earlier this year:

"Then we'll listen to Michigan have all their excuses as they come running in, saying how they have a new coaching staff and all those changes, to hell with Michigan."

Please leave a message at the tone


Gonna be chilly tonight

Could go as low as 40º tonight in some outlying areas. Not frost-worthy YET but fall is in the air. Bring those sensitive plants indoors tonight if possible...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Late night open thread

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there."
--Mark Twain

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Tonight's weather forecast--60% chance of blue ghosts

Interesting looking weather front moving in

If you can help the Humane Society of Huron Valley please do

They are having a "crisis" with just too many cats, having taken in 150 last week. You read that right last WEEK. So the Humane Society of Huron Valley is waiving ALL adoption fees on cute little pussy cats, meaning a non-conditional loving friend at home for the low low price of free. See what you can't do to help. 734-662-5585.

That might mean making a donation or volunteering too.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Late night open thread

What a lovely day down by Lake Erie. Wonderful cool breezes, a wonderful view and a simply gorgeous afternoon. The football game was another matter. Johnny MUST tell you how BADLY behaved Cleveland Browns fans were today. Really despicable and Johnny, and sadly now, counts himself among their numbers. Drunken stupid behavior that really made Johnny not wanna go back to Cleveland Browns Stadium. If you have children, do not go to a game there. At one point Johnny had to physically come to the aid of the guy sitting next to him. He was a Cowboys fan and an African American which really doesn't play well in Cleveland Ohio apparently. Racial drunken slurs are not to be tolerated. It's amazing really, these choads will cheer a touchdown by Browns receiver Braylon Edwards who happens to be black, but have no problem using awful language at a black guy with his girlfriend in the stands.

Long ago Johnny quit going to the Silverdome for the same reasons. Looks like the NFL has a serious problem on it's hands. That problem is booze. Go to Youtube and look at videos shot at Giants Stadium in New Jersey and watch Jets and Giants fans show what fun drunk louts can really be. As you can tell by the content here, we love football. We tend to love it less when seeing garbage like this goes on.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Sunday NFL opening day open thread

NFL or whatever comes up. If Dexter catches fire you can still feel free to discuss it here.

Johnny's outta town today in Cleveland to see his beloved Browns face the DallASS Cowboys. Goooo Browns. It's one of the national games at 4:15, so you can see Johnny on TeeVee. He'll be the one in the Browns jersey and Browns hat.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Late night open thread

Well it was just too much Javon Ringer and too much Michigan State for Eastern today. EMU played hard and played well for a long time before MSU put it away in the 4th quarter. We liked Coach Genyk's fake field goal attempt. He was showing he was playing to win. Ah well, Toledo next week, Eastern will have to bounce back to get a win.

Michigan won a game of dullard offenses, 16-6 vs Miami Ohio. Not much to talk about in that game really. It happened and the outcome was recorded for history. Not many people are clipping and framing thier ticket stubs from this one.

Elsewhere, Lehigh began the season right putting the boot up Drake's behind, 19-0. Central lost, Western won and Arkansas State beat Texas Southern 83-10.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Nice article on the EMU football team in today's Detroit Free Press

You can find it HERE

Well, OK it's mostly others praising Eastern for really actually looking like they are building a program here. We think they could be. The signs are there. It's why games like these are so darned important. The Detroit media are watching. Play a good solid game and WHOA pull an upset or give a good accounting of the EMU program and that'll become the local meme; Eastern is on to something good, watch them. Now, go out and stink outloud, lose 51-10 and then football fans in southeast Michigan say "yep, thought so".

Go EMU go go EMU EMU

Eastern Michigan football GAMEDAY

Eastern finds themselves is Spartan Stadium at noon today. Spartan Stadium is normally a house of horrors for the Ypsilanti 11. Today, there is hope of a GOOD showing like the kind they gave in Michigan Stadium last year losing only 33-22.

Let's not blow sunshine, lets face some facts. Sparty's offensive line is way way bigger than EMU's front seven. They should be able to pound away and pound away and ultimately pull away in the second half. Javon Ringer is a darn good running back, probably the best Eastern will face all year. The hope for EMU is to say hold Ringer to around 100 yards and a TD and make Brian Hoyer, he of the many many many interceptions, beat you. If Ringer goes off for 190 yards and more than one score Jeff Genyk's guys are in trouble. On offense, the Spartans do have some deficiencies that a smart game plan could take advantage of. Sure the MSU guys are bigger and faster and stronger but they have lost a lot of pass rushing ability and Andy Schmitt is a smart veteran QB who can keep control of any situation. Terrence Blevins gives EMU a bona fide ground threat that Michigan State will have to attend to.

If Eastern has an advantage it's on special teams where MSU has been lacking recently and certainly was in their opener to Cal. Eastern can also afford to open up the playbook a little more, gamble a little. While this is a measuring stick game to see where Jeff Genyk's program in it's fifth campaign, it's one EMU can afford to be loose going into. If they are ahead say 21-20 in the fourth quarter then they can worry about getting tight.

All this being said, and even hoping against hope we've got to be honest

Michigan State 33
Eastern Michigan 17

We'd give anything to be wrong. So would Ann Arbor.

Michigan football GAMEDAY

Well already Michigan faces a must win game. Not for the fact the coach would be in trouble for losing, he sure wouldn't, but trust Johnny, lose to Miami of Ohio at home and people are gonna start to wonder really where the football program at Michigan is at talent-wise. We wouldn't worry. If this were Central Michigan or Bowling Green coming in or a better MAC team you could say anything can happen. Not here, the Michigan defense is going to choke off Miami early and often. The defense will allow the offense good field position, and maybe score one themselves. Bottom line, Michigan wins and everyone breathes out. They may even find a #1 QB today.

Michigan 27
Miami O 6

Friday, September 5, 2008

Late night open thread

High school football scores from the ticker....

Dearborn Heights Crestwood 34
Willow Run 14
WR is 1-1

Dexter 21
Ypsi Lincoln 20
Dexter 1-1, Lincoln 1-1

Chelsea 27
Northville 20
Chelsea 2-0

Tecumseh 42
Ann Arbor Huron 34
Huron 0-2

Adrian 21
Ann Arbor Pioneer 3
Pioneer 1-1

Temperance Bedford 15
Saline 14
Saline 0-2

Dearborn Edsel Ford 32
Ypsilanti 12
Ypsilanti 0-2

And of course keeping the home fires burning:
Ortonville Brandon 13
Clio 3
Brandon 2-0

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark


In our political theme tonight, we're instantly reclaiming a song. Ann and Nancy Wilson told the McCain campaign to STOP using the song 'Barracuda' whenever his vice presidential choice, Caribou Barbie, was walking around the stage after a speech. We wholly support the Wilson sisters and mea culpa, Johnny has seen them 3 times. He adores them. So in the interests of good taste, and all that is cool, we officially take back Heart's song 'Barracuda' (We even used THEIR channel on Youtube to show this).

So this aint the end -
I saw you again today
I had to turn my heart away
Smiled like the sun -
Kisses for real
And tales - it never fails!

You lying so low in the weeds
I bet you gonna ambush me
Youd have me down down down down on my knees
Now wouldnt you, barracuda?

Back over time we were all
Trying for free
You met the porpoise and me
No right no wrong, selling a song-
A name, whisper game.

If the real thing dont do the trick
You better make up something quick
You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick
Ooooooh, barracuda?

Sell me sell you the porpoise said
Dive down deep down to save my head
You...i think you got the blues too.

All that night and all the next
Swam without looking back
Made for the western pools - silly fools!

If the real thing dont do the trick
No, you better make up something quick
You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick
Ooooooohhhh, barra barracuda.



But which song. SO many to choose from. If we're getting political oh let's hear 'The Guns of Brixton'. A Paul Simonon written and sung number. Less talk more Clash.

When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting on death row

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of Brixton

The money feels good
And your life you like it well
But surely your time will come
As in heaven, as in hell

You see, he feels like Ivan
Born under the Brixton sun
His game is called survivin'
At the end of the harder they come

You know it means no mercy
They caught him with a gun
No need for the Black Maria
Goodbye to the Brixton sun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
Yes, even shoot us
But oh-the guns of Brixton

When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

You can crush us
You can bruise us
Yes, even shoot us
But oh-the guns of Brixton

Shot down on the pavement
Waiting in death row
His game is called survivin'
As in heaven as in hell

You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you'll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of Brixton


Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil is like 6 foot 8, so when he gets in your face to tell you something, you listen. VERY FEW musicians who work on social issues ever ACHIEVE as much as Garrett. His accomplishments are a mile long and a mile deep. He's been elected to the Australian House of Representatives. After three years when his party took power Garrett became Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts.

Wikipedia tells us (gather round children, Wikipedia is going to speak):

"At the closing ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, the group performed before Prime Minister John Howard and a television audience of hundreds of millions, wearing black tracksuits bearing the word "sorry." This referred to the Howard Government's refusal to apologise to Aboriginal Australians for the former policy of removing of Aboriginal children from their families"

In keeping with our political theme tonight here is Midnight Oil with 'Blue Sky Mine"

Hey, hey-hey hey
Therell be food on the table tonight
Hey, hey, hey hey
Therell be pay in your pocket tonight

My gut is wrenched out it is crunched up and broken
A life that is led is no more than a token
Wholl strike the flint upon the stone and tell me why
If I yell out at night theres a reply of bruised silence
The screen is no comfort I cant speak my sentence
They blew the lights at heavens gate and I dont know why

But if I work all day at the blue sky mine
(therell be food on the table tonight)
Still I walk up and down on the blue sky mine
(therell be pay in your pocket tonight)

The candy store paupers lie to the share holders
Theyre crossing their fingers they pay the truth makers
The balance sheet is breaking up the sky
So Im caught at the junction still waiting for medicine
The sweat of my brow keeps on feeding the engine
Hope the crumbs in my pocket can keep me for another night
And if the blue sky mining company wont come to my rescue
If the sugar refining company wont save me
Whos gonna save me?

But if I work all day...

And some have sailed from a distant shore
And the company takes what the company wants
And nothings as precious, as a hole in the ground

Whos gonna save me?
I pray that sense and reason brings us in
Whos gonna save me?
Weve got nothing to fear

In the end the rain comes down
Washes clean, the streets of a blue sky town

Friday Pigskin Parade

Ypsilanti Willow Run (1-0) is at Dearborn Heights Crestwood

Ypsilanti Lincoln (1-0) is at Dexter (0-1)

Chelsea (1-0) hosts Northville

Ann Arbor Huron (0-1) is at Tecumseh

Ann Arbor Pioneer (1-0) is home to Adrian

Saline (0-1) is at Temperance Bedford

Ypsilanti (0-1) is on the road to Dearborn Edsel Ford

And Ortonville Brandon (1-0) is in Clio tonight

Bike Ypsi, on September 14th is holding a Tour De Taco

A local group of bikers, Bike Ypsi will hold a ride that visit local restaurants that make, c'mon, you know....tacos.

This ride will go over 17 miles and start at Recreation Park and end at the Corner Brewery. At the end there will be a vote for "Best Taco of Ypsi 2008". Wanna find out which restaurants they'll be going to? Check out the website.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Late night open thread

On this day in 1967 the final episode of this timeless TV classic aired. It only ran for three years but became a rerun favorite. Think you know? Check HERE

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Ann Arbor police have arrested a suspect in the jogger attacks

We sure hope they have the right guy and it sounds as if they may. An officer recognized the wanted poster image as someone he'd previously had contact with. The 40 year old lifelong Ann Arbor resident was arrested without incident at his home.

Updates as they become available

Did you know the clouds today and possible rain are the remnants of Hurricane Gustav?

Paying us a visit up here in Washtenaw County, the remains of a big gulf hurricane ambling by....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Late night open thread

Kickoff at Michigan Stadium is at noon Saturday vs Miami O. Plugging up Washtenaw Avenue by dawn is recommended. The more car flags the classier.

Michigan vs Miami of Ohio, you'll pay for the whole seat but you'll only need the edge.

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Grammy winner Lucinda Williams will be at the Michigan Theater on October 14

That's right Lucinda fans, the amazing songwriter will be performing her songs for the mere price of 35$ whole dollars. October 14th is the night.

Tickets go on sale Friday at 10am at barely legal Ticketmaster outlets...

OK, stay calm, nobody freak out, something wet called "RAIN" that comes from the sky is scheduled for today

Many here may not have much experience with this so called "rain" as it hasn't made any appearances lately. It's wet and comes in drops or if the "rain" is very hard it comes down in "sheets". The sky normally darkens before "rain" falls.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Late night open thread

Visions of tomorrow morning's tasty pastries dancing in our heads

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

Police are flooding the Packard and Independence area today

As well as last evening in an attempt to thwart or capture the attacker from Sunday night who attempted to abduct two female joggers. He assaulted both but both were lucky enough to escape.

Remember too, if he has a van there is no reason he couldn't turn up anywhere in the city of Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti or Saline or really anywhere joggers (or children) make easy targets.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Late night open thread

"A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running. "
--Groucho Marx

Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark

We interrupt this day off with serious news about two attempted kidnappings on joggers

And one of the women attacked while jogging was able to break free another 16 year old jogger was dragged into a van and struck several times by the attacker with his fist but she too, and we are all very relieved, was able to escape and get help.

The story is over at the Ann Arbor News so check it out and be safe. These attacks took place near Packard Street and Independence Boulevard but if this guy has a van he could obviously show up anywhere. In both cases the joggers noticed the open van door first

Go read the story but the description of the attacker is as follows:

The van was described as dark-colored, possibly a Chrysler product, with a bench seat behind the driver's and passenger's side seats.

The attacker was described as white, 35-45 years old, 5 feet 11 inches tall, medium build, with crooked teeth (possibly missing a tooth in the front), facial stubble and dark hair with some gray in it.

With ANY info please, these are our neighbors and friends--734-994-2911, the tip line at 734-996-3199 or Detective Chris Fitzpatrick at 994-2869

Labor Day open thread

We told you last night we weren't laboring anything unless barbequing later counts...