Sunday, March 2, 2008

If a door-to-door salesperson shows up peddling Universal Gas, close your door

Lately, representatives from Universal Gas, have been going door-to-door in Ypsilanti trying to get customers to switch to their gas service. Don't do it.

It's a scam as their prices are WAY above what you are paying now. They stand at the door with few answers to your specific questions and only try to confuse the issue and only really want your signature. Once they have that you'll find your gas rates doing nothing but going up and if you wanna opt out from what you have signed it can cost upwards of $250.

Tell them to hit the bricks and THEN make sure to call your neighbors. Help protect them the same way you just protected yourself.

Some things are meant to be sold door-to-door, say girl Scout cookies and Jehovah, not gas power.

A Consumerist report on this ongoing scam

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