Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh my, possible BIG musical doings tonight, BIG DOINGS

OK, Johnny got a hot tip from a VERY trusted source (yep, YCD has SOURCES), and he'll reveal it at 11PM tonight sharp. A certain musical performer, and MUSICAL LEGEND may be sitting in SOMEWHERE in the Huron Valley tonight.

11PM and Johnny will spill the very real possibility (and remember it's not set in stone and we're merely passing on a tip) this music legend (yeah, you know the songs) will be performing around town tonight.

Why 11PM? Most likely the performer in question wouldn't go on until at LEAST midnight, plenty of time to get where you're going.


Johnny Action Space Punk said...

6:30 PM hint:

It's a HE

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

10:22PM hint:

Unless you grew up radioless in a cave you know at least three of his songs