Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh boy, a nativity dispute

WHY do people get involved with these things? It makes ALL parties look like retards. MY GOD is so important everyone must know their story. NO, THIS IS PUBLIC LAND and must never be touched by wise men.

It seems one Jill Carr wanted to get in the mood for Christmas. So naturally the ONLY thing she could do was decide to go decorate somebody else's property, namely the Ypsilanti Township fire hall on Ford Boulevard. Jill, look, we all get it. Christmas, Christ, we GET the tie in. You don't NEED to announce to the free world it's Christmas season, we get it. You are now bordering on something the Bible prohibits, prosthelitizing. I believe Jesus, (remember Jesus?), told his followers to pray and make their religious displays in PRIVATE.

Dear everyone against a moldy nativity scene. Look, just let them put the stupid thing up. Really, it's like having a version of Christmas flamingos or yard gnomes up. Forget for a second it's the baby Jeebus and Mary and some jackasses. Just IGNORE it. In three weeks it'll be gone.

WHY do people get so worked up over these things?


Dusty D said...

Here are some particularly lovely nativity sets to choose from.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Dixit, those ARE lovely nativity sets. I mean my shopping list just got like 4 X's thru it buying those on Cyber-Monday!