Thursday, November 29, 2007

It appears not everyone is in love with paying for residential parking in Ypsilanti

Some of the neighborhood associations are looking into simply ending this idea. YCD has learned that the College Heights Neighborhood Association wants to keep it whereas others are not so keen on doing so. In an email sent out an email to neighborhood associations, Ypsi Police Chief Matt Harshberger asking the following:

"The Residential Permit Parking Program has been a very hard program to
administer, enforce and oversee from a city perspective. So much so that
we brought up the thought that perhaps there's not enough interest in
the community to keep it running. Because we get a great many complaints on the program and it seems we're constantly meeting to either revise the ordinance or come up with new administration procedures, it kind of made sense to just get rid of it. Basically, is it worth the headache?"

Johnny does not live in the College Heights area so he really has no say other than to remind everyone, if the police chief has doubts, why pay to park in our fair city? The city survived for a very long time without nicking residents to pay to park when their taxes and rental rates you'd think would cover such issues.

Oh yeah, YCD would LOVE to see this program ended them burned then buried and salt placed over it's grave so it can NEVER come back to haunt us.

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