Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The whole Saline football mess

YCD has done some in depth research on this recent flare up where a player swore at coaches (yes, he used the MAGIC word), said he didn't want to play anyway but his parents wouldn't let him quit. Therein lies problem #1. The kid doesn't even want to be there and is trying to get kicked off the team. Then it gets to the Superintendant who decides to arbitrairily place the student BACK on the team and make things worse.

YCD thinks things have spun WAY out of control in Saline. Yes, there is PLENTY of blame to go around. The Superintendent Beverley Geltner, stuck her nose where it really had no business being and made things far worse. YCD also thinks the coaches were right to resign once the very discipline necessary in a football setting was basically ceded from them. If you cannot kick a kid off your team in high school for telling a coach "FU" then the inmates are running the asylum.

Superintendent Beverley Geltner, your use of your past performance reviews and contract extension has ZERO bearing in this case. You made an awful decision.

Hey feel free to tell your coach off, just don't cry when the coach tells you to hand in your playbook.


glimmertwinfan said...

The real kicker for me in this mess is when the superintendent tried to, basically lie, saying something about a doctor gave her advice. The doctor then denied it. It is pretty clear, this kid needs to go and the superintendent needs to shut her pie hole.

I also find it funny that apparently there is history with the family of this kid and the school district before.

As sad as it is, this kid is a "marked man". Kids are notoriously mean, and this kid doesn't stand a chance for a good high school experience.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

You may be right glimmertwinfan, the kid may have a proverbial note taped to his back at this point.

But to tell a kid it's OK to say FU to ANY school authority figure is simply wrong. And when you say it and the Superintendant (in essence) says it's OK, well I shudder to think where this goes next.

Some kid in math class is going to, at some point, say FU to the teacher and DEMAND, perhaps in court, the same lenient punishment as precedent has now been set down.