Tuesday, October 2, 2007

More slime oozing out of EMU Campus police

Can it get ANY worse over there? We are all too well aware of the reasons Cindy Hall was let go in the wake of the Laura Dickinson debacle but now come the lawsuits exposing (supposedly) just how the EMU campus police works.

Former EMU Sergeant Stacy Cain is suing EMU for gender discrimination. Cain who has been fired twice before only to be reinstated made the following claims:

*She was treated differently from male officers
*She was disciplined more harshly than her actions merited
*She was fired for less serious infractions than men who were not terminated
*She was singled out for remedial training
*She was assigned to do personal errands for former public safety director Cindy Hall

YCD at this point would raze that place and start over. It's SUCH a mess. YCD is sure there are dutiful professional campus police on staff at EMU, they're just not the ones you read about.


Dusty D said...

Fired twice, then reinstated, then files suit? Sounds like there's a lot more here than meets the eye, at present. I'm interested to see how this turns out, should you feel like posting any updates.

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

I don't want to unnecessarily denigrate an entire Department but EMU DPS has been a problem child for a while. I've had positive interactions with a couple of EMU police officers at public events so I don't wanna bash everyone but it's getting increasingly difficult.

Rest assured YpsiDixit there will be follow up...