"You hear some say these are jobs that are just going away and you better get used to it. But where does it stop?" said Romney, taking a dig at John McCain who earlier said "Some jobs just aren't coming back to Michigan".
Gentlemen, you're both right, the Powertrain Plant announced 200 job cuts this week and in a lot of cases these jobs aren't coming back but once again we're glad you could use us as props for your campaign.
We didn't exactly hear a plan to help anything in Ypsilanti so these words ring fairly hollow. But maybe that's just us.
Mitt Romney file photo
If you folks ask very nicely Willard may just be able to provide the 10,000 jobs he lost in MA for you also. OR he'll promise not to raise taxes but then raise every fee in the state which brought in over 400 Million dollars.
Both Willard and McCain have so much to offer and you can put your hands on what it will be by going here;
Candidate Research - Know Who You're Voting For ( The Easy Way )
I sure hope you can warn Ypsi in time.
Thanks for the heads up winghunter. I don't trust ANY of these candidates. The only major party candidate I'd consider voting for is sitting this one out with his Grammy, Oscar and Nobel Prizes
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