Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Update on the Ypsi Township murder and a plot twist

Police now say the prime suspect (and YCD would argue there is NOTHING prime about him), is one Adonis Alexander Frye, 25, also of Ypsilanti Township. Frye is described by police as a light-skinned African American, 6 feet 4 inches tall, and about 190 pounds. Police said he is considered armed and dangerous.

The twist? The brother of the chief suspect had his home firebombed overnight

There is more information on the van police are seeking:

1996 black GMC Safari full-size conversion van with black and silver "spinner" rims, A raised roofline and paper registration in the back window. The van also a large TV inside. Chances are this vehicle is in a garage somewhere but maybe you've seen it before and know of this garage.

Call the cops at 734-973-7711 if you know something. This is obviously escalating so maybe the life you save will be an innocent bystanders.

Suspect image from the Ann Arbor News:

"I've seen better heads on boils"--Pee Wee Herman


Dusty D said...

Looks like a real winner!

I've tried to convince my husband to put spinning hubcaps on our Geo Metro, so I could be cool like this guy, but no luck (kicks small rock, dejectedly).

Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Spinners are all that and a bag of chips!

A Geo Metro would look GREAT with BIG spinners

Dusty D said...

If you can get 'em for riding mowers, I'm gonna treat my dad for Christmas. He'll love that.