We can complain about our own town from time to time but sometimes you step back and watch another community bungle things. Dearborn Heights is demanding ice cream trucks only use bells to signal their arrival, no music of any kind. You know, that wonderful sound of calliope music you hear at most ten times a summer that pricks your ears up while recalling summers past and brings kids running. What a smile filled slice of summer. Just not in Dearborn Heights. This idea was drummed up by council member Burgermeister Meisterburger shown below.
Time for Ypsilanti, After Dark
The Burghermeister hates toys AND ice cream?!?!?!
We checked, yep, and ice cream too.
I think the bell thing is nonsense. However, I believe there already is a law on the books that states the truck cannot be moving when the music is playing. I may have my states confused (I thought it was for MI also), but kids get excited around the ice cream trucks and often don't follow the best safety practices. The music makes it difficult for drivers to know when there are people near. Trucks can stop an play the music and play it while they are serving customers - but not while driving.
Aside from that, earlier this year I bought my boys some ice cream from a truck in the neighborhood. I didn't realize I would have to take out a loan to pay for it. Expensive treat.
glimmertwinfan, They had a noise ordinance but changed it to specifically include the piped calliope music or music being played form ice cream tucks and insist they use bells.
They said they were getting anonymous complaints (and the Dearborn Heights mayor said that was sure news to him--he's against the ordinance). Even if you got 5 anonymous complaints, so what?
They have become pretty pricey you are right about that but who suffers in this ordinance? Guys trying to make a buck making your kids really happy.
Seems pointless considering it's just BEGGING some community pain in the ass to go after church bells...
if Dearborn Heights is going to complain regarding a small noise about the ice cream trucks, what about that annoying "call" to prayer?? MAYBE they can silence that as well??
If the call to prayer done over loudspeakers from the minaret by the muezzin has to go, do church bells also not have to go?
Don't try and tell me the BELL ordinance ONLY means that Christians are afforded an announcement of their faith. I have a bell from a pretty big church a block from my bedroom window, it chimes in at 3am and begins again at 6am, should I complain?
I think these noise ordinances should be limited to those TRYING to break a noise ordinance, ie speakers stacked up in a car and booming out the music or somebody playing a stereo from a house window at a party.
Churches and ice cream trucks most likely aren't TRYING to break the code.
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