Sunday, February 3, 2008

Official Super Bowl XMLCXVPAXILIIDCVL thread


As football pregame coverage since yesterday sometime would indicate, today is the most overhyped, over fawned upon, overblown day of the year, it's the Super Bowl, dahlink.

Here's your spot to give the straight dope on all the ads you love, the ones you hate, the coverage of the game that's either working for you or not, and of course how the Patriots may or may not be video-cheating today.


Anonymous said...

The ads this year were monkey-free - that's never good.

BEST: Will Ferrell as Jackie Moon for Bud Light ('Suck one.')

Hank the Clydesdale training with the Burgess Meredith dalmatian to make the Budweiser hitch team.

The dancing lizards for Sobe water.


Johnny Action Space Punk said...

Yeah, "Suck one" has already been heard around the YCD offices thanks to intern Zoltron. That kid's ears are like tape recorders.